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Goa Gajah: The Astonishing Temple

Goa Gajah is located in Bedulu Village, Blahbatu District, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. Goa Gajah is an artificial cave that functions as a place of worship. Goa Gajah is open from 08.00 to 16.00 WITA.

In Bahasa, the word “Lwa” means river, while Gajah means temple where Buddhist monks worship. Thus, the name “Lwa Gajah” means the hermitage of Buddhist monks located on the banks of the river.

It is estimated that Goa Gajah was established in the 11th century AD, during the reign of Anak Wungsu, King of Bali. Situ Pura Goa Gajah also has a relic of Buddhism in the form of the Dyani Buddha Amitabha statue. The statue is similar to the Buddha Dyani Statue at Borobudur Temple from the mid-9th century AD.

The cave complex is an archaeological site. The front of the temple, especially at the mouth of the cave, is filled with sculptures in the form of tendrils of leaves, corals, pigs, apes, and giants. This artifact is classified into two relics found on the right and left of the mouth of the cave. Relics found at the mouth of the cave, in the form of Ganesha statues showers, guardian statues / Dwarapala, and cylindrical stones.

To see the beauty of Goa Gajah, visitors will be charged a ticket of Rp 30,000 per local tourist and Rp 50,000 for foreign tourists. Visitors who bring vehicles will be charged a parking fee of Rp 5,000 for cars and Rp 2,000 for motorbikes.

Goa Gajah is one of the Balinese Hindu Temples sacred by Balinese Hindus. So there are rules for visitors: when entering this temple area, use a sarong and sash. Sarong and sash rentals are available at the entrance ticket payment location with a rental price of IDR 15,000.

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